
4oz	plain flour
    pinch of salt
2oz	unsalted butter
2tbsp	water


1. Sift the flour and  salt into 
a bowl. Cut the butter into small
pieces and rub into the flour until 
the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. 
Add water to form a dough. 

2. Wrap and chill for 30minutes. 
Roll out and use to line a 20cm 
flan tin. Leave the excess pastry 
on top. Prick the base and chill 
for 30 minutes.

Blind Bake

3. Cover the pastry with greaseproof
paper and dry beans and bake blind 
on a hot baking try in a preheated 
oven at 180C(fan) for 20minutes. 
Remove the beans and paper and bake 
for a further 5 minutes. Cut off 
the excess pastry. Reduce the oven 
temperature to 150C(fan).

© www CookHealthyRecipes com

James & Miyuki Milton