Makes 6 burgers( about 5oz each)
Grill 15 minutes or shallow fry
500g minced beef
1 large onion
1 egg
1 cup oats
1tsp salt
some pepper
some Worcestershire sauce
some vegetable oil for frying
( Vegetarians can substitute
the meat with boiled or tin
kidney beans)
1. Chop the onion very finely
in a food processor.
2. Put the chopped onion and
the other ingredients into a
bowl and mix by hand.
3. Divide the mixture into 6.
Each portion should weigh
approximately 5oz.
Shape the mixture into burgers
by hand. Then wrap each burger
in cling film . Put the burgers
into the freezer for future use.
4. Grill the burgers for about
15 minutes or shallow fry in a
pan with some vegetable oil.
Turn once.
© www CookHealthyRecipes com
James & Miyuki Milton