You will need a	1 lb loaf lined tin
Bake at	160C(fan oven)for 50 minutes.


4 oz	plain flour
1 tsp	baking powder
1/2tsp	bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp	ground cinnamon
3 oz	brown sugar
3 oz	1 egg (about 2oz) 
1 oz    milk
2 1/2oz	sunflower oil
2 oz	raisins
1 oz	chopped walnuts
1/2 tsp	vanilla extract
grated zest of half an orange
4 oz	coarsely grated carrot 
(use pumpkin for a pumpkin cake)


1.Whisk together the sugar,egg,milk 
oil, vanilla and orange zest.

2. Add carrot, raisins and walnut 
and mix well.

3. Sieve the flour, baking powder,
bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon 
together three times.Then fold it
into the carrot mixture.

4. Spoon the cake mixture into 
the tin and bake at 160C (fan) 
for 50 minutes.

© www CookHealthyRecipes com

James & Miyuki Milton