serves 2


some	oil 
1/4	pumpkin, cut into small 
    pieces (about 10oz after 
    de-seeded and peeled)
1/2	onion, chopped
1/2	carrot, chopped
1	tomato, quartered
1	garlic clove, crushed
    enough water
    some milk
1/2tsp	curry powder or ground 
        coriander and cumin 
        salt and pepper
        bay leaf


1. Cook the onion with oil. Add
tomato, carrot,pumpkin and garlic. 
Add just enough water and a bay leaf. 
Cook until the vegetables are soft.
Discard the bay leaf.

2. Puree the soup in a food 
processor.Then sieve through into 
a pan.

3. Add more water and milk and heat. 
Season with salt and pepper and 
curry powder. 

© www CookHealthyRecipes com

James & Miyuki Milton